You are Jeev so you’re alive
You have feelings and knowledge
Where can I find my Jeev?
Can’t be seen, it’s in your body
Then what is the body
It’s non-living, It’s Ajeev
How do I get to know
Because you have gyaan in your soul
What can I do with that gyaan
You can become a Bhagwan.
Here’s some of the Hindi words you would have heard in the song:
Jeev = A living being with the power to know and and have feelings. Also known as Soul or Aatma.
Ajeev = A non- living thing, which does not have the power to know or have feelings.
Gyaan = Knowledge or the power to know things.
Bhagwan = God (one who has complete happiness and happiness). Two types: Arihant (with body) and Siddha (without body).
All of the objects we interact with every day are Ajeev, but even your body is Ajeev since it itself does not know or feel things. It is you, the soul inside the body that gets to know and feel. It is only because you as Jeev are inside the body that it looks like it is alive. Once you leave this body, your soul moves to another Gati (remember what that is from 4 Gati Song) but your body then dies and becomes clearly non-living.
We know with our soul, not with the brain or the sense organs that we see on the body. Those are all Ajeev as they are part of the body. Inside of us are the real senses that allow us to take in information from our surroundings and beyond.
If you think that you can see only because you have eyes, try closing your eyes. Can you see things when you close your ? Yes, you can. You can see shapes and colours, and even if you think about people and things you will see those too. So you see, your eyes are not why you see, it’s all because you are JEEV.
Song Credit: Jain Songs for kids YouTube channel