Let's introduce ourselves

This thread is to have the introduction of all forum members so that we get to know each other well.
You can reply to this thread and introduce yourself. Some points -

  • Full Name
  • City/ Country
  • Profession
  • How did you get to know about this forum?
  • Your contributions in field of Jainism (if any)
  • Any relevant links (Do not include Facebook or personal profile links. Share only work-related links)

hello, my self josh i am from india, right now i am studying computer science, and i find this forum from google


Hi Josh, welcome to our forum. Hope you will find it helpful. Do let us know your areas of interest in Jainism.

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Thanks and sure! :slight_smile: .

i am Cowessess Nuka how are you?

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jai jinendra …i am rishabh jain from delhi vishwas nagar …i am a business man.got to know from goggle …


I am Sanjay Shah from Idar, Gujarat, practicing as doctor. Got to know about this forum from social media.


Jai jinender :pray:

I am Punam Kumari from Delhi. I am doing online parmagam honours in 3 year. I like very much of doing Swadhyay.

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Hello , i am udit from haryana , i am studentying computer science and artificial intelligence now , i found this forum from google (on searching about gandhahasti mahabhashya and black hole in jainism)

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