Is Tomato Abhaksh

Is Tomato Abhaksh.If Yes,then how.
Please guide.

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Must listen👆

Everytime, when we question about Tomato’s Abhakshyta, we just find a simple and immediate answer that we shouldn’t eat tomato which is appropriate too.

• According to jainism, tomato is abhakshya because too many anant nigodiya jeev live from its shelter.
• A special term, we use for tomato is Sapratishthit Vanaspati
Here, the meaning of this term in ref. of tomato is , जिनका छिलका, अन्य छिलको को तरह खाने में बाधक नही बनता, वे सभी सप्रतिष्ठित हैं।


Thank you so much for your reply

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