Jain words in English | Glossary | Dictionary | Translation

Now don’t go here and there to search what some typical words of our scriptures are called in english. Get moat of them in the below given Glossary of Moksh Marg Prakashak (English Translation) by Br.Hemchand Ji ‘Hem’, Bhopal.



Abhavya (Incapable to attain liberation, an incapable soul)

Abhisheka (Anointing ceremony)

Abhrahma (Incontinence, coiton, unchasity)

Adharma (Sinful act, vice, irreligion)

Adharma-dravya (The medium of rest, anti-ethr substance)

Adhah-karana (Beginning of the process of self-meditation through which the soul attains to some degree

of purity leading to self-realization- samyagdarshan)

Adho-loka (The lower world, the hells where infernal beings live)

Advaita (Non-dual, the monistic school of Vedanta)

Aghatia/Aghati (Non-obscuring karmas which are the cause of embodiment and surrounding conditions)

Ahimsa/Ahinsa (Non-harming, non-injury, non-violence)

Ajiva (Insentient, non-soul substances)

Ajnana (Ignorance, false knowledg, lack of knowledge)

Akama-nirjara (Involuntary dissocciation of karmas)

Akashaya (Free from passion or desire)

Amudha-drshti (Free from superstitions & delusory notions)

Amurta (Immaterial substances, non-matter)

Ananta-darshan (Infinite perception)

Ananta-jnana (Infinite knowledge)

Ananta-sukha (Infinite bliss)

Ananta-virya (Infinite spritual power)

Anantanubandhi Kashaya (Intensest type of passion causing infintie bondage)

Anashana (Fasting)

Anga (Limb, a group oF 12 Jaina canonical texts)

Anivratti-karana (The process of self-meditation through which the soul attains right belief or self-

realization by suppressing certain Mohaniya Karmas)

Antaraya-karma (Obstrutin karma which restricts the energy-quality of the soul)

Antar-muhurta (A period of upto or within 48 minutes)

Anu (Atom)

Anubhaga, Anubhava (Fruition or intensity of karma)

Anubhaga-kandaka (Reduction in fruition of previously bonded

karmas by one-one Antarmuhurta)

Anukampa (Compassion)

Anumana (Inference, deduced)

Anumodana (Approving some act being done by others)

Anupreksha (Reflection, contemplation’s of 12 kinds)

Anuvratas (Minor or small vows pertaining to householders)

Anuyoga (Exposition, a group of four canonical texts)

Aparigraha (Non-possession)

Apoorva-karana (The process of self-meditation through which the soul attains toan unprecedented degree of purity)

Apramatta-virata (7

th Gunasthana - meditation state of a monk in which his

continence is not fouled by carelessness)

Apratyakhyanavarana (Passions which hinder partial conduct)

Arhanta, Arhat (Worthy of worship, omniscient Lord)

Arati (Disliking or displeasure in regard to sense activities)

Ardha-Pudgal- Paravartan-kala (Half of the time of the cycle of wanderings

with reference to karmic matter taken in and cast off infinite times)

Arupi (Immaterial substances)

Asamjni (Without mind, irrational beings not endowed with faculty of reasoning)

Asamyama (Non-restraint, incontinence)

Asata, Asata vedniya (Unpleasant feeling producing karma)

Ashubha (Inauspicious, evil)

Ashubhopayoga (Inauspicious thought activity, ‘upayoga’ engaged in impious acts)

Ashuchi (Impurity)

Ashuddhopayoga (Impure thought activity causing inflow of karmas)

Atichara (Infraction committed by accident)

Atman, Atma (Soul, self)

Atmanubhava (State of self-realization, ‘upayoga’ engrossed in self-soul or abiding in one’s own nature)

Audayika Bhavas (Dispositions arising from fruition of Karmas)

Aupadhika (Imposed dispositions, unnatural functioning due to rise of karmas)

Aupashamika Bhava (Subsidential right belief and disposition)

Avadhi-darshan (Clairvoyance perception, indistinct awareness preceding Avadhi jnana) Avadhi-jnana


Avagaha (Providing accommodation)

Avagraha (Mere awareness of an object)

Avasarpini Kala (Descending cycle of time)

Avtara (Incarnation, rebirth)

Avaya (Perceptual judgment)

Avirati (Non-abstinence)

Avrata (Non-vow, vowless state)

Acharana (Conduct, behaviour)

Acharya (Chief preceptor, Head of monks’ group)

Agama (Scripture, canonical literature, omniscient’s preachings)

Akasha (Space substance)

Akinchanya (Non-attachment, possessionlessness)

Asrava (Influx of karmic matter)

Arambha (Commencement)

Arjava (Straightforwardness)

Artadhyana (Sorrowful concentration)

Aryika (Nuns of Digambara sect)

Avarana (Covering or veil)

Avali (Twinkling of an eye)

Ayu (Life karma that determines the span of a given life-time)


Bandha (Karmic bondage, 4 types of bondage)

Bhagwana (Venerable, omniscient God)

Bhakti (Devotion, devotionalism)

Bhava (Dispositional, internal thoughts, psychic)

Bhavanavasi Devas (Residential gods)

Bhava parivartana (Cycle of incarnation, i.e, wandering repeatedly in all states of

embodied existence)

Bhavya (A self with capacity for liberation, capable soul)

Bhavalingi (A true possessionless naked Digamber Jain monk with right belief-knowledge and conduct)
Bhavamana (Psychical mind)

Bhavana (Observance or contemplation’s)

Bhava Nikshepa (Installation by actual state)

Bhava Parivartana (Cycle of thought, i.e., wandering repeatedly indifferent pious-impious thought activities

from their minimum to maximum degrees of intensity)

Bhavasamvara (Psychic stoppage)

Bhoga (Enjoyment, experience)

Bhogabhumi (Land or realm of enjoyment)

Brahmachari (celibate, one who observes the vow of celibacy)

Brahma (Creator of universe as per Vaidik culture)

Brahmana (Priest, priestly caste)


Chaitanya (Consciousness, sentience)

Chaitya (Jina’s idol, Pratima)

Chaityalaya (Temple where Jina’s idol is installed for worship & adoration)

Chakravarti (y) (Universal monarch, king of kings)

Chakshu (Sense of sight)

Chakshudarshan (Visual perception)

Charananuyoga (Ethics, scriptures dealing with the conventional conduct of householders and monks)

Chaturindriya (Four-sensed being having sense of touch, taste, smell, vision, i.e. touch, tongue, nose, eyes)

Chandala (Untouchable person)

Charitra (Conduct)

Charitra-mohaniya (Conduct deluding karmas)

Chhadmastha (Non-omniscient beings)


Dana (Charity, alms-giving)

Dana-antaraya (A type of obstructing karma which hinders charity)

Darshan (Perception, insight, philosophy, belief of faith)

Darshan-moha/Darshan-mohaniya (Faith or insight deluding karma)

Darshan-Pratima (First Pratima or vow related with right belief)

Darshanavarana/Darshanavarni (Perception-obscuring karmas)

Darshan-Vishuddhi (Purity of right faith)

Dasa Dharma (Ten characteristics of religion)

Desha-Charitra (Partial conduct related with small vows)

Desha-Ghati (Obscuring partially)

Desha-Ghati Spardhaka (Karmic matter which obscures only partially)

Deshana Labdhi(Attainment of omniscient’s preachings)

Desha Virata (The 5th Gunasthana where partial continence with partial renunciation is found)

Deva (Celestial being, god)

Deva-Mudhata (Delusion pertaining to gods)

Dharma Religion, duty, pious & pure thought activities, virtue, no violence, righteousness) Dharma Dhyana

(Virtuous concentration, pious meditation)

Dharma Tirtha (Holy path, liberation path)

Dhyana (Meditation)

Digambara (Sky-clad, possessionless naked Jain monk)

Diksha (Initiation, vow of renunciation)

Divya-dhwani (Miraculous divine sound forming omniscient’s preaching)

Dravya (Substance)

Dravya-mana (Material, mind, an internal sense which acts as instrumental cause in thinking)

Dravya-Nikshepa (Installation by substance)

Dravyendriya (Physical sense)

Dveendriya (Two-sensed being having, sense of touch & taste)
Dvesha (Aversion, hatred-feeling, disliking)

Dvipa (Island)

Dvipa-Samudra (Island-continent surrounded by sea)


Eka (One, unitary)

Eka-kshetravagaha (Occupying the same space points or locus)

Ekanta (One-sided)

Ekantavada(Absolutist doctrine)

Ekatva (Unity)

Ekendriya (One-sensed being having sense of touch only, a synonym for sthavara - immobile beings)

Eshana-samiti (Carefulness in taking food)

Evambhuta-naya (The actual standpoint)


Gana (Congregation of monks)

Ganadhara (Chief acharya monk who possesses four types of knowledge’s And composes scriptures from

the preachings of omniscient, Tirthankara; first monk disciple of Tirthankara)

Garbha (Uterine birth; conception)

Gati(Birth, condition of existence, transit from one body to another, destiny)

Ghati, Ghatia karma (Obscuring karmas)

Ghrana (Sense of smell)

Gotra (High or low family status determining karma)

Grantha (Book, scriptures, possessions, attachment)

Guna (Quality)

Gunahani (Decreasing series)

Gunasthana (Stage of spiritual development)

Gunashreni (In multiplying order)

Gunavraddhi (Increasing series)

Gupti (Control, restraint)

Guru (Preceptor monk)


Hasya (Laughter)

Himsa (Injury, violence, harming)

Hundavasarpini (A period of ‘avasarpini’ i.e., period of downfall in which extraordinary events may take



Indra - Lord of Devas (Celestial beings)

Indriya (Sense organ)

Indriya paryapti (Completion of senses)

Iha (Speculation)

Irya-patha (Influx of karmas caused by vibrations without passions).

Irya-samiti (Carefulness in walking so that no insect or being is harmed)

Ishat-kashayas (Quasi -passions, 9 types - laughter, liking, disliking, sorrow, fear, disgust and 3 types of

sex inclinations)

Ishwara (God)


Jainabhasa (False Jainas, so-called Jainas)

Jain, Jaina (Follower of Jina, one who has ‘samyak-darshan’)

Jati (Genus of beings, caste)

Jati-karma (The variety of Namakarma that determines one’s genus)

Jina (The victor, conqueror; a synonym for Tirthankara)

Jina-dharma (Jina’s religion, i.e., religion preached by Jina)

Jina-agam (Jaina scripture)

Jina-bimb (Image of a Jina)

Jiva (Soul, sentient, being)

Jivatva (Consciousness, principle of life)

Jnana (Knowledge)

Jnana chetana (Consciousness, realizing consciousness only to be the self)

Jnanavarana karma (Knowledge obscuring karma)

Jugupsa (Disgust, a type of quasi-passion)

Jyotishi devas (Stellar celestial beings)


Kala (Time, katanu-the time substance)

Kala-parivartana (The cycle of time, i.e. wandering repeatedly in all moments of all aeons by taking birth

and dying infinite times)

Kalpa (Cycle of 2 aeons, celestial abodes below the graiveyakas heavens)

Kalpatita (Heavenly beings born beyond the kalpas)

Kalyanaka (Auspicious moments or occasions)

Karma (Fine particles of matter called a karman-vargana" that bind the soul; action, act)

Karma-bhumi (Land or realm of action)

Karma-chetana (Knowing oneself to be the doer of actions)

Karman sharira (The transmigrating body of karmic matter bonded with mundane beings)

Karma-phala-chetana (Knowing oneself to be the enjoyer of karmic fruits)

Karma-prakriti (The particular type of karmic matter)

Karta (Doer, agent, instrumental)

Kasaya (Passions - anger, pride, deceit, greed)

Kavala-ahara(Food in morsels, human food)

Kaya-klesha (Mortification of the body)

Kapota-leshya (Grey, dove colored thought complexions)

Karan (Thoughts, degrees of purity of thoughts, means mathematical exposition, case)

Karana (Cause, instrumental or substantial)

Karita (Getting a thing done by others )

Karman-sharira (Karmic matter body bonded with soul)

Karman-Vargana (Molecules of karmic matter which fill the universe)

Karya (Effect)

Kaya (Body)

Kaya-klesha (Mortification of body)

Kayotsarga (Abandonment of attachment with body, standing or sitting posture of meditation)

Kesha-locha (Pulling out one’s hair of head & beard)

Kevala-darshana (Omni-perception associated with Kewalagnana-omniscience)

Kevalajnana (Omniscience)

Kevali (Omniscient ‘Jina’)

Kriyas (Actions, sacred rites)

Krodha (Anger)

Krashna-Leshya (Black thought complexion)

Krata (Performed by oneself)

Kshapak (The destroyer of delusion)

Kshapak-shreni (Ladder of destruction of karmas)

Kshaya (Destruction of karmas)

Kshayika-Bhava (Pure dispositions evolved on destruction of karmas)

Kshayopashamik-Bhava (Dispositions evolved on destruction cum-subsidence of karmas)

Kshetra (Region, space, area)

Kshetra-Parivartana (The cycle of space i.e. wandering infinite times by taking birth and dying on all space

points of this universe sequentially)

Kshayopashama Labdhi (Attainment of knowledge or puity in destruction cum subsidence of certain


Kshina Moha (The monk of 12th Gunasthana whose all charitra mohaniya karmas and passions are

destroyed permanently for ever)

Kula (Family, lineage)


Labdhi (Attainment, psychic sense)

Lakshana (Differentia)

Laukantika Devas (Celestial saints, gods of 5th heaven)

Labhantaraya (Obstructive karma of gain, i.e., hindrance to the attainment of something)

Leshya (Thought complexion, degrees of passions & purity)

Linga (Sex, sign)

Lobha (Greed)

Loka (Universe)

Loka-akash (The universe-space)

Loka-mudhata (False beliefs regarding religious practices)


Madhu (Honey)

Madhyaloka (Middle of terrestrial world)

Madya (Alcohol)

Madhyastha (Indifference)

Mahavrata (The five great vows of a monk)

Manahparyaya jnana (Telepathy, direct knowledge of thought forms of others without the aid of mind or


Mantra (Incantation, holy litany)

Manushya (Human being)

Manushya-Gati (Human state of existence)

Mati jnana (Sensory knowledge)

Marga (Path)

Maya (Deceitfulness)

Meru (Mount, sudarshan meru)

Mishra-bhava (Mixed state or disposition)

Mishra-Gunasthana (Mixed spiritual stage of right and wrong belief, 3rd Gunasthana)

Mithyadarshana (Wrong belief, misbelief, wrongfaith, synonym for Mithyatva)

Mithya-charitra (Wrong conduct)


Mithyajnana (Wrong knowledge)

Mithyatva (Misbelief)

Mithyatva Gunasthana (The 1st spiritual stage of misbelief)

Moha (Delusion, infatuation)

Mohaniya karma (Deluding karma)

Moksha (Liberation, emancipation, salvation)

Moksha Marga (The path of liberation)

Muhurta (48 minutes’ period)

Mukta (Liberated soul)

Mulguna (The eight basic restraints of a Jaina layman)

Muni (A monk)

Murta (Material, of matter form)


Naraka (Infernal abode, hell)

Naya (Standpoint)

Nama-karma (Physique-making karma)

Namaskar-mantra [ Salutation to(five) holy beings (souls) ]

Nama Nikshepa (Installation by name)

Narakas (Infernal beings)

Nidana (Diagnosis, seeking temporal gain from austerities, etc. good deeds)

Nidana-salya (The sting of desire for enjoyment)

Nigoda (The lowest form of life i.e, undeveloped one-sensed beings, e.g. moss, fungus,roots, etc.)

Nihkankshita (Freedom from anticipation)

Nihshankita (Freedom from doubt about 7 tattuas, true God, preceptor, scriptures, etc.)

Nimitta-karana (Instrumental cause, external agent)

Nimitta-naimittika (Cause and effect relationship)

Nikshepa (Installation)

Nirdesha (Description)

Nirgrantha (A monk without material possessions, unattached)

Nirjara (Dissociation of karmas)

Nirvana (Salvation, complete release from bondage)

Nirvichikitsa (Freedom from disgust)

Nishchaya Naya (The real point of view, realistic standpoint)

Nitya (Eternal)

Nokashayas (Quasi-passions)


‘Om’ (A synonym for five holy souls, sacred sound formed by combining the first syllable of each word in

the namaskar- mantra)


Padartha (Substances, category, elements)

Palya, Palyopama (Many many years period, innumerable years, a measure of max. Iifetime)

Papa (Vice, sin, inauspicious act, demerit)

Papa-bhava (Inauspicious dispositions)

Paramanu (An indivisible particle of matter, matter substance)

Para-dravya-kshetra-kala-bhava~ (The being or substance-location or space-time or state, quality of

disposition respectively of other objects or substances)

Paramatma (The omniscient, the liberated soul)

Parameshthi (The five supreme souls- Arhant, Siddha, Acharya, Upad hyaya &Sad hu)

Parigraha (Possession)

Pariksha (Examination)

Parinama (Thought activity, disposition, change or modification)

Parivartana (Cycle of wanderings)

Parishaha (A~lictions)

Parishahajaya (Victory over the afflictions)

Paroksha (Indirect or dependent knowledge accomplished through senses, inference, etc.)

Parva (Holy days meant for specific religious observances)

Paryapta (Attained completion)

Paryapti (Completion or development)

Paryaya (mode, state, modification,condition, state of existence)

Paryayarthika (Relating to modifications)

Paryayarthika-Naya (Standpoint of mode)

Parinamika-bhava (Inherent nature)

Pichchhi (A peacock feather whiskbroom)

Prabhavana (Propagation of the teachinga of Jina)

Pradesha (Space point)

Pradesha-bandha(Space bondage relating to quantity of karmas bonded)

Prakriti-bandha (Type-bondage relating to quality of karmas bonded)

Pramada (Negligence or carelessness)

Pramana (Valid or comprehensive knowledge)

Pramatta-Samyata (The ascetic of the sixth spiritual stage)

Pranayama (Yogic control of respiration)

Prathamopashama Samyaktva (First type of subsidential right-belief)

Prashama (Serene, tranquil)

Pratikramana (Repentance with confession)

Pratima (Householder’s stages of renunciation)

Pratyabhijnana (Recogrution)

Pratyaksha (Direct knowledge)

Pratyakhyana (Renunciation of certain foods, indulgences or activities for a specified period)

Pratyakhyanavarana/niya (The passions which hinder and disturb complete restraint)

Pravachana (The scriptures, discourses on omniscient’s preachings)

Prana (Vitality or life principle)

Prayaschitta (Expiation, repentance of transgressions)

Prathivi (Earth)

Prathivi-kayika (Earth bodies i.e. jiuas having earth as their body)

Pudgala (Matter substance, atoms)

Puja (Worship)

Punya (Merit, pious act, virtue, auspicious act or karma)

Punya-bhava (Auspicious disposition)

Puranas (Sacred texts dealing with the lives of Tirthankaras etc.)

Purush-veda, Pumveda (The masculine sex inclination)

Purusha (Soul, man)

Purushartha (Effort-making, right effort)

Purva (A group of fourteen Jaina canonical texts)


Raga (Attachment, passion, desire)

Rajas (Endowed with pride passion, etc.)

Rajoharana (A whisk broom)

Rasa (Taste)

Rasana (Tongue)

Rasa-parityaga (Abandonment of stimulating or delicious food)

Rati (Pleasure in sensual indulgence)

Ratnatraya (The three jewels - right faith, right knowledge and right conduct)

Ratri-bhojana (Eating at night)

Raudra-dhyana (Cruel concentration, feeling pleasure in indulgence in sinful acts of injury, etc.)

Rijusutra-naya (The straight view point)

Ruksha (Dry, rough)

Rupi (Material object having touch, taste, odour, colour)


Sabda-naya (The verbal viewpoint)

Salya (Sting)

Sharira (Body)

Shauch (Freedom from greed)

Shraddha; Shraddhana (Belief, conviction)

Shravaka (Householder)

Shreni (Spiritual ladder)

Shruta (Scripture, scriptural knowledge)

Shurta-kevali (Omniscient in the scriptures)

Shubha (Good, auspicious)

Shukla-dhyana (Pure concentration or meditation free from attachment-aversion)

Shvetambara (White clad, a Jaina sect whose mendicants wear white garments)

Sachitta (With livin~ matter. ve~etables. etc.)

Sakashaya (With passion)

Sallekhana (Passionless end, ritual death by fasting, dieing with pure thought activity, a synonym of


Samabhirudha-naya (Specific prevalent point of view)

Samanaska Samjni (Rational beings endowed with mind or thinking power)

Samavasarana (Holy assembly of the Jina)

Samaya (Unit of time, instant, moment, pure soui substance)

Samiti (Carefulness)

Samjvalana-Kshaya (Gleaming passion, perfect right conduct-preventing passion)

Samkhyata (Numerable)

Sammurchchhana (Spontaneous generation)

Samsara (Cycle of existence, mundane existence)

Samsari (Transmigrating beings)

Samsthana (Configuration)

Samudghata (Expansion or emanation of the spatial units of the soul)

Samvara (Stoppage of influx “asrava”)

Samvega (Fear of transmigration)

Samyagdarshan, Samyaktva (Right belief, insight)

Samyagdrishti (True believer, enlightened self)

Samyak-charitra (Right conduct)

Samyakjnana (Right knowledge)

Samyama (Continence, non-injury, restraint)

Samsaya (Doubt)

Saraga-charitra, Saraga-samyama (Self-control with attachment)

Sarvaghati karma (Karma which obscures totally the manifestation of soul’s essential attributes)

Sarvaghati-Sparddhaka (Karmic matter which obscures wholly)

Sarvajna (The all knowing, the omniscient)

Sarvavadhi (The perfect clairvoyance)

Sat (Existence)

Satta (Inoperative state of existence of karmas)

Satya (truthfulness)

Sayoga Kevali (The omniscient with vibrating state of spatial units of soul)

Sadhu (A possessionless naked Jain monk of long-standing)

Samayika (Attaining equanimity through self-contemplation)

Samayika charitra (Conduct of equanimity)

Sasadana gunasthana (The second spiritual stage of downfall)

Sata, Sada Vedaniya Karma (Karmas producing feelings of pleasure)

Satvika (Endowed with mild-passion & good notions)

Siddha (Liberated soul)

Skandha (Molecule)

Smriti (Recollection, remembrance)

Snigdha (Smooth or sticky quality)

Sparsha (Touch)

Sparshana (Sense of touch)

Sthapana Nikshepa (Representation of one thing by another)

Sthavara jiva (Immobile one-sensed being)

Sthitibandhapasarana (Duration of fresh bondage of karmas goes on reducin~z bv one-oneAntarmuhurta)

Sthitibandha (Duration of karmas)

Sthitikandak (Reduction in duration of previously bonded karmas by one-one Antarmuhurta)

Striveda (Feminine inclination)

Swadhyaya (Study of scriptures)

Sukha (Bliss)

Sukla-Leshya (White thought-complexion)

Sutra (Aphorism, aphoristic mode of presentation)

Svabhava (Own nature, intrinsic nature, pure manifestation of an attribute)

Svabhava-sthita (Established in one’s own nature)

Sva-dravya-kshetra-kala-bhava (One’s own substance, space (location), time (state) and quality


Syadvada (The doctrine of relative prediction; narrating something with respect to some particular

viewpoint, law of relativity)

Syat (In some respect; angle or viewpoint)


Taijas-sharira (the luminous or electric body)

Tamas (Endowed with anger passion, etc)

Tattva (Element, principle, reality)

Tattvartha (The 9 real elements wih their qualities, regarded as objects of faith for a Jaina)

Tirtha (Ford, the path of Jaina-practice)

Tirtha-kshetra (A place where monks ‘arhatas’ have attained ‘moksha’ -liberation)

Tirthankara (Ford-makers, the Lord of the three worlds, the omniscient spiritual teachers of Jainas)

Tirthankara-prakriti (Karmas that determine the body of a Tirthankara)

Tiryancha (Animals & plants,( floras & faunas) or sub-human beings)

Trasa Jiva (Mobile being, 2 to 5 sensed beings)


Uchcha Gotra (High family status determining karma)

Udaya (Rise or operation - state of karma

Udirana (Premature fruition of karmas)

Udumbara (Fig category fruits)

Udvelana (Regaining back status of karmas)

Utkarshana (Increase in duration & fruition of karmas)

Upabhoga (Enjoying some object repeatedly)

Upabhoga-antaraya (Hindrance to repeated enjoyments)

Upadana karana (Substantial cause)

Upadhyaya (A true preceptor - monk)

Upagoohana (Protecting a fellow Jaina by ignoring his mistakes & weaknesses)

Upasaka (A Jain layman, a synonym for shravaka)

Upashama (Subsidence of karmas)

Upashama samyaktva (Subsidential right belief)

Upashanta moha (The 11th Gunasthana in which all charitra mohaniya karmas are rendered inoperative)

Upasarga (Calamity)

Upavasa (Fasting)

Upayoga (Active or attentive consciousness; applied or active knowledge)

Utpada (Origination)

Utsarpini (Ascenoing cycle of time, progressive half-cycle)


Vaikriyika sharira (Transformable body)

Vaimanikas (Heavenly gods)

Vairagya (Detachment, renunciation)

Vajra (Diamonds, adamantine)

Vaiyavritti (Respectful service to the saints)

Vanaspatikayika (Plant beings, vegetables)

Veda (Sex, sign)

Vedaka Samyaktva (A synonym for kshayopashama samyaktva)

Vibhangajnana (Wrong clairvoyance)

Vibhava (Defiled, impure, disposition)

Vichara (Shifting attention or upayoga from one object or mode to another)

Vigrahagati (Transit from one body to another)

Vinaya Mithyatva (False belief of the type of paying respect or reverence indiscriminately to all true-untrue

gods, preceptors & scriptures, etc.)

Virodhi Himsa (Injury caused in facing an enemy)

Virya (Energy, soul’s power to know & see )

Virya-antaraya karma (Energy obstructing karma)

Vishuddhi (Purity)

Vitaraga (Free from passion & attachment, etc., an epithet of an Arhanta)

Vrata (Restraint, vow, oath)

Vrata-Pratima (The second stage where a layman assumes the Anuvratas - small vows)

Vratti parisamkhyana (Limiting the extent of one’s begging rounds)

Vyantara/vyantari (The peripatetic gods/goddesses)

Vyavahara (Convention)

Vyavahara-naya (Conventional standpoint)

Vyutsarga (Renunciation of egoistic thoughts)


Yaksha (Demigod)

Yathakhyata charitra (Perfect conduct or conduct conforming to perfect purity)

Yoga (Activity)

Yojana (A measure of distance equal to 4 kosas of 2 miles each = 8 miles distance)

Yoni (Nucleus)

If you have other words, please comment below so we can add them in our Glossary.


I think we should write Hindi words in Hindi language only. What do you think? The searching will be easier.

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Great work.
Use words from jain sidhant pravishika and provide corresponding English words

It can be done, but everyone don’t have hindi keyboard or font in their phone/computer.

Yeah bhaiya! We’ll try to do that.

Okay. Let me write the words in Hindi too.

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Nice post Sarvarth :smiley:

Thanks bhaiya for the appreciation.

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A Jain dictionary prepared by Dr. Kirit ji Gosalia (Sanskrit/Hindi - English) -



Is it possible to get the word/excel file of this PDF. We will make an autocomplete searchable dictionary.

That would be great. I have sent him a mail asking for the same. Will let you know soon.

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Have tried converting the document online to word. Pl see if it serves your purpose. I am not able to get the original copy of the document in .doc format.

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It’s better than the PDF file. Thanks for the efforts.

But from the programming point of view, we can’t segregate the keyword and definition precisely as the file is not following a common standard like some definitions have multiple lines etc.

We have to go through the manual route where all the content will be added separately. We have that in our to list by the way :slight_smile:

Let’s see if @ishan can find us a solution.


That’s very nice efforts Sarvarath bhaiya.

But some words have different literal meaning and different internal meaning ( ex- Abhavya (Incapable to attain liberation, an incapable soul) , But It should be as: soul whose liberation capability is not visible in near future ) correct me if i am wrong , but I think this should be considered before converting Hindi text to English .

Jai Jinendra

Not “in near future”. That soul can’t attain liberation anytime. Incapable soul.


This is called दूर भव्य